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Dragonfly summer jewel

Redline combines the beauty of the dragonfly with the House's own know-how of excellence. Why do we love dragonflies? We admire them for their beautiful colors, but also for their meaning: good luck and good fortune, the dragonfly can become one of your best companions. La Maison's yarns are known for their strength and sturdiness while being thin and light.

The dragonfly, my lucky charm

Diamond jewel for summer

Redline wishes to bring you luck and offers you this dragonfly paved with 6 small sparkling diamonds. Born in our workshop in the heart of Paris, the dragonfly is bound on the iconic thread of the House. Customize your jewelry on our online jewelry store and choose the color of the wire among a variety of 80 different colors as well as the color of yellow gold, white gold or rose gold according to your preferences.