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White gold Milakoya bracelet

How to wear the Milakoya bracelet in gold and pearls? Do you know that both gold and pearls have been used for millennia and in all civilizations. Gold symbolizes two great ideas: light and perfection on the one hand, spiritual wealth and the divine on the other. The pearl, meanwhile, is also a symbol of wealth and prestige, it was called by the Ancient Greeks

Absolute romance

5 pearls bracelet in white gold

The 5 fine pearls on this bracelet are real Akoya pearls, known to be the softest, brightest and the most silky ones. They were chosen with utmost care by our experts and then delicately assembled with know-how and thoroughness by our artisan jewelers in our workshops located in the heart of Paris. The Milakoya collection is an invitation to romance and femininity. This all gold and pearl jewel will carry the Redline signature plate in white gold. You can buy your pearl bracelet on a gold chain from our Redline partners or on appointment in our Paris showroom or directly on our online store: