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Beauty accessories

Milakoya necklace in white gold

How to wear the Milakoya necklace in white gold and pearls? Do you know that pearls, like gold, have been used for millennia and in all civilizations. Gold symbolizes two great ideas: light and perfection on the one hand, spiritual wealth and the divine on the other. The pearl is also a symbol of wealth and prestige. The ancient Greeks called it ‘Tear of Aphrodite’, named after the Goddess of Love. By combining the gold chain and the white pearls, Redline redefines usual trends by turning them into an alchemy of happiness. Wear this necklace freely to benefit daily from this precious and tender harmony at the same time, it will definitely become a beauty accessory.

Charming gift

Timeless elegance

This all gold choker necklace with these 5 fine pearls emanates a spirit of freedom through its fluidity and finesse. Its timeless elegance will satisfy all tastes. The neckline will only be magnified by its rare beauty. It will be a gift full of charm and symbols. Our jewelers have brought all their artisanal know-how to this necklace which, like each of our jewels, will hold the Redline signature plate in gold. Enter the magical world of our Parisian Jewelry House. You can buy your Milakoya necklace on a gold chain from our Redline partners or on appointment in our Paris showroom or directly on our online store: